In the last week, I've been looking at how to make our Institutional Repository better. One of the best ways we can provide value to our users is to help them identify the impact of the value of their work in the IR. Along that line, I wanted to know how we could find and count citations to works in the IR. It would be great if we could say that things published in the IR get cited more. I found this post in Stuart Lewis' Blog about displaying citation counts in DSpace from Scopus , and in the next few months we may try to implement this. However, this wasn't exactly what I'm looking for. This shows the number of citations based on the DOI. What I want is if someone cites the URI from DSpace, I want to be able to find that and record that somehow. I have not found an automatic way of doing it. So far, what I've managed to do is do google searches for the first part of our handles, and the first part of our IR's URL. So, our IR's URL ...
Library Digital Stuff