As I am looking around for the next digital content management system, I decided to gather some usage statistics about the systems I'm most interested in. These are all just estimates as I have to rely on how many institutions self report their usage. The exception is CONTENTdm, which I had to go by the number they use on their marketing materials. CONTENTdm: Used by over 2,000 (number supplied by OCLC website) DSpace : Used by over 1,500 institutions. Fedora Commons : Used by about 300 institutions. Hydra : Used by about 50 institutions. Omeka: Used by over 287 In looking at moving to Fedora Commons or Hydra, I was surprised by how few people are using Hydra. I believe it's because it's notoriously hard to set up, which is why IMLS is funding Hydra in a Box , which should be a turnkey solution. I'll be interested to see how the numbers change after that. We are also thinking of trying out Omeka, and it's good to see that Om...
Library Digital Stuff