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HathiTrust and Local Digital Stewardship

An article I had been working on for a bit with Heidi Winkler finally got published in the second volume of the International Journal of Librarianship in a special issue on Data Librarianship . Abstract This article reviews the influence that massive digital libraries like the HathiTrust Digital Library can have on local, smaller institutions’ digitization, preservation, and curation programs. The history of HathiTrust’s digital preservation efforts as a Trusted Repository is reviewed. A case study is presented showing how one academic library made difficult digital stewardship decisions in a modern world of globally federated preservation initiatives. The authors introduce the concept of deselection as part of the digital curation process and discuss how digital collection administrators can refine their local digital preservation efforts to better reflect the realities of constrained human and financial resources. Read more...
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Documentation and Good Management in Digital Libraries

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The Workload Iceberg for Digital Collections and Initiatives

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A Thought on "An Emergent Theory of Digital Library Metadata" Alemu, G. and Stevens, B. 2015- ISBN: 978-0-08-100385-5

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Bureau of Indian Affairs- Digital Collection

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Digital Content Management Systems- Adoption Rates

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Top 5 Reasons Digitization Projects Fail

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