Project planning and project management can be useful for many things besides digital projects, however they are particularly useful for digital projects because digital projects tend to have many different components. You have to worry about people, funding, schedules, and technology. Any one of those things by themselves would be difficult to manage without a plan of attack. Dealing with all of them at once requires a lot of attention and planning. Project planning and project management can be summed up in 5 steps. These should be done in order. This is a brief overview of the project process, and by no means does it cover the whole topic. If you are interested in reading more about project management, I highly suggest The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Project Management Course by Helen S. Cooke and Karen Tate (ISBN 0-07-143897-1). 1) Context Once you have been assigned a digital project, develop your context. Why is the project important? Who wants it done? Who is involved and why? ...
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